Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cruelty planned with Love

And on some days, Mr. Hyde wins the battle and the mind laments in vain...

The lonesome star in the pitch black void

It raises you high, so high that it reaches for the skies
and then it makes you fall, so quick that light stands still

It embraces you in its warmth, more warm than a bear’s hug,
and then it drops you into a tub of ice, without a blink of an eye

It makes you laugh, so hard that your sides ache and you forget to breathe,
and then is makes to cry, it makes you sob with such force that all air is knocked out of you

It makes you and then it breaks you and then you close the emotion tap
and then you just pray for the void to come and be swallowed, like you never existed

But then, as though the cruelty was planned with love, you find some joy in your pain,
because you learn to have faith, unfounded faith in the strength to bounce back,
a strange faith that as time passes, the lonesome star in the night sky will turn into the glorious Sun

~Rishika Sudhir Dhody

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