Saturday, August 21, 2010

Alive and Kicking

Irrespective of your designation, age, caste or creed you must surely be following a routine. You daily life, or at least you weekdays must be governed by a schedule. We cut the day up even more ruthlessly than a butcher cuts a lamb. The pieces thus obtained represent something very different than the whole, not to mention much less lively than the whole. When we start living by a routine we slowly but surely start killing off the uncertainty synonymous with life. We plan our lives to eliminate the small uncertainties of life, even before the day begins you know exactly how the day is going to be. If it is a Monday you know that it is going to be sleepy and that you are going to feel as though someone has woken you up from a very very nice dream. If it is a Friday, you know that you are either not going to get any work done or you are going to summon your super powers and finish every thing in record time. These generalizations may vary from person to person, but there are very  few people who can claim that such generalizations do not exist for them.

The plus side is that the dissection of the day creates the illusion of being extremely busy (Oh no I can not come tonight, my planner says that I have about 20 things to do that day, which includes ten second tasks like emptying the waste basket.) and of course helps us finish all of our task and keeps that sense of amnesia away (Oh did I really promise to submit the paper by today, now that I remember I had used the pink highlighter to remember it, should use yellow the next time around, is more prominent), but the downside is that it takes out that zing from life, it kills that emotion which said that, enjoy life, it comes by only once, or when will you be 18 or twenty or thirty or fifty...again?

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, a derivative from this would be that “boredom is the mother of craziness” and craziness is what keeps the laughter rolling and laughter is what drives the evilness away, and well evilness is what none of us want in our life.

So what does one do? Do we just give up our planned lives and go back in to the forests and ape our ancestors, live in the trees and eat whatever is at an arms length, after our addiction to hand sanitizers and perfumes, I think that the above idea would be slightly insane. So do we just let it go, do we just learn to live with some evilness in our lives, I mean we are already living with pollution and extremism what more harm can a dash of personal evilness do? Here is a suggestion, a middle path, why do we not keep a time in the day, yes we plan it, a time when we do whatever we feel like to doing. A time when we just let our desires loose. This way both our itch to fill in our planner and our itch to fulfill those insane desires are happy.

For instance over the weekend, you decide that you are going to do just what you want without feeling guilty about it (the guilt is where the challenge lies). You feel like cooking up a storm you do it, so at the end of the day, you either have a delicious new recipe or you have a lot of garbage, either ways you are going to have a wonderful, laughterful and content dinner. You feel like eating the most unhealthy  meal of the week it, you do it and you savour every bite of your meal, you feel like wearing your favorite team’s colors and cheering as loudly as you can in front of your TV screen, you should go ahead and do it and maybe even paint your face to get the full effect.

The whole point is that sometimes all of us need to loosen up in the right way, loosen up the way we want, not the way the guy on the television asks you to do but the way that tiny voice of craziness in our head commands us to do. At times, we need to jump in to the water to figure out exactly how cold it is, we need to dance in front of everyone to figure out exactly how embarrassing it can get and how long can it take to forget it, we need to endure a long trip just for a moment of pleasure before undertaking the long trip back, sometimes we just need to give those logical, practical and frugal cells some rest and those craziness and insanity related cells some much needed exercise, because it is those cells which take care of the kicking part in being alive and kicking!

1 comment:

  1. Recipe for Electric life explained

    how to feel alive in life= hear the kick and come to the next reality

    further explained as
    do all the silly, crazy things!

    all the silly,crazy, embarrassing moments must soley be your idea. If the idea is Incepted or pressured upon it will/can back fire the essence of hearing a kick.
    which is sad

